Christmas at Longleat
We worked again this year with Longleat House & Safari Park to install Christmas.
The first project that we worked on during October was the Christmas Shop which is located in the main grounds. I had the help of another freelancer, Frankie O’Brien whom I worked with during my time at Harrods. We designed the layout and product placement in the shop, then worked together to Visual Merchandise the shop, creating colour stories. Creating the colour stories will also help Longleat to create more link selling opportunities, at the same time creating an easy to shop experience for their customers. I have attached a couple of images of the merchandising examples below ;
We then returned again in November, just before trade started for Christmas to dress some of the rooms within the main house. The photo I have attached below shows the dressing in the Kitchen shop, which used to act as a meat store during the house’s history.

All images copyright of VMC