Visual Merchandising Training & Consultancy For Emporium at Nene Court
Over the past couple of months I have been working with new client, Nene Court Emporium in Wellingborough, Northants.
Owner, Paul has created a fantastic business of creating a retail emporium selling local artisan gifts and crafts from over 50 local sellers. Paul has seen a huge increase of visitors over the past year, especially due to the increase of appreciation from customers to buy and support local businesses.
I have been working with Paul and his Store Manager to showcase their local artists merchandise by improving their In store Visual Merchandising and Window Dressing.
This month we worked on completely transforming their furniture & home space to increase sales and customer inspiration. Megan Warner is a local furniture upcycler in Wellinborough, who sells her fabulous revamped furniture pieces in the Emporium.
The furniture space was previously not styled and looked very over crowded with merchandise that it was difficult for customers to shop the space effectively. The new space comprises of a central feature wall, styled with Cole & Son’s wallpaper and dressed to give the customer interior inspiration. All furniture is now accessible for customers to browse and the unique features on Megan’s pieces are now clear to appreciate. We also added a digital screen with video content showing Megan at work creating her furniture pieces, which helps to tell the story of her brand and business to the customer.
It was fantastic to see that Megan has already sold three of her furniture pieces already this week !
For more info on the bespoke practical Visual Merchandising Courses I can offer your business, please contact me ;
Sarah 00 44 7976 575847