VM Training at The Royal College of Art London

All images copyright of VMC
This month I have been running training courses for one of my long running clients, CH & Co. CH & Co are a contract caterers that have sites in some very interesting buildings in London, these include the royal palaces and several high profile universities.
Our training this month was carried out at the famous Royal College of Art in London.
As part of the course program, we firstly present to the attendees a good overview of Visual Merchandising principles and techniques – which helps the attendees to understand and feel confident to put into practice the techniques learnt, back at their restaurants. Then we ask attendees to work as small groups to create display concepts using Food products and Home Accessories. This exercise then helps attendees to put into practice what they have just learnt in a hands on way. I have attached photos below of some of the attendees working on the practical tasks.
In the afternoon we carried out market research in Harrods Food Hall and Wholefoods Market in Kensington, so that the attendees could see the current Visual Merchandising techniques being used within the Retail Food industry.
For further information on the bespoke Retail Visual Merchandising Courses that I run please contact me at my email address info@visualmerchandisingcourses.co.uk