VM Training at Tiptree Jam Factory
Last week we traveled to Essex to run Visual Merchandising training for the famous Tiptree Jam Factory !
Jams are still made on the same site today and I found the heritage of the factory very interesting.The training was carried out within their shop, which sells Jams and Honeys which are made in the factory, as well as a vast range of gifts for the home.
The two ladies that I worked with were extremely interested in learning more about visual merchandising and display, which always makes my job that much easier ! We made the course very practical and were able to work within their store to practice tasks like merchandising, table dressing and display grouping.
The photos below show how we created focal displays above the fixtures merchandised with Honeys and Christmas food products. We worked on bringing in other associated products that were available to buy else where in the shop. This helps to give your customer inspiration of how products can be used/ put together and hopefully result in a link selling opportunity! For example, with the Christmas food products we used a selection of the Xmas decorations for sale within the display, to help create a package of Christmas product.
All images copyright of VMC