VM Training for HTA
This year I have been working in conjunction with the HTA to provide their Garden Centre members Visual Merchandising Training & Consultancy. Courses I have run for the HTA include Bodmin Plant & Herb Nursery, Dobbies Garden Centers and Wych Cross Garden Centre, Sussex. The courses we offer are mainly based around the practical / theory workshops which are held on site at the garden centers. There is also the option of taking an online version of the workshop too and both courses can be tailored to meet the clients requirements.
Over the past couple of years we have received an increase in inquiries about our courses from Garden Centers & Nurseries, it seems like these clients are starting to recognise themselves as retailers and interested to learn more about retail Visual Merchandising techniques which can assist their business. The photos below show some of the practical merchandising tasks that we carried out on the courses, we worked on creating height, strong promotional themes and link selling techniques.
For more information on the courses and workshops that we can offer to Garden Centres please contact us on info@visualmerchandisingcourses.co.uk
All images copyright of VMC